University studies “history of art” and “German language and literature” in Göttingen (Germany)


Apprenticeship as typographer and acquirement of typographical principles of composition


University studies of fine arts at Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany)

Comparative analysis of typographical and artificial theories orientation
in the direction of artistic writing

Authoress of an independent article for the “Stadtmuseum Oldenburg”
for an exhibition catalogue “Typography at the turn of century” in 1999

  M.A. thesis in 2001 “the typography dispute in 1946 between Jan Tschichold and Max Bill
– typography as a pretext of an ideological controversy”

2006 critical article “semeiotical paradigm and typography”:
the influence of the straight-line writing system on the system of mind and values in front of semeiotic research

  2012 lecture and article “artistic forms of resistance”